Saturday, December 26, 2015

Paul deserted at his 2nd trial in Rome

Hugs to you, Paul and Elayne,


Sermon by David Adams "How God Helps Us" - Sunday December 27, 2015, First Baptist Subang Jaya

2 Timothy 4: 16 - 18

1. God gives us Grace during disappointment 

Demus deserted Paul for the pleasures of the world to go to Thessaloniki.

Paul's reaction to disappointment, betrayal, and desertion... 

2. God gives us strength during difficulty

Anger -> Bitterness -> Hatred -> Suffering

Rather "May it not be harmed against them."

Why? He had received grace, mercy so could extend it (love, willingness to forgive) -> St Stephen

When we have unresolved pain, bitterness, anger, escalation of revenge, it manifests physically

-> God gives us an attitude of grace, mercy, desire and willingness to forgiveness, reconciliation. ..

Does NOT mean there aren't consequences that don't go away, that need to be confronted, to be dealt with 

-> God stood by me and strenghtened me. (verse17)

Being a Christian does not give us immunity from trial, pain, but he is always with us to give us strength

3. God give us purpose and meaning "so that through me the gentiles get the message"

-> You will be a witness for me before Kings... did not turn out how Paul thought but even more profound...

4. In times od despair, God gives us Hope

2 Timothy 4: 7  "fought the good fight, run the race, kept the faith"

John 11: 25 

Let us give Him praise and glory for all the above...

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